You will find around our many outdoor activities such as paragliding and hiking, as well as many unusual places to visit like the library of Banon, the Rose Garden of the Abbey Valsainte market Forcalquier or the Contadour Giono.
Obviously we can better inform you via phone or email by contacting us here, or simply when we welcome you to our house in our region!
Here is a partial list of what there is to discover in the area:
- Banon bookstore “le Bleuet”
- The Garden of roses Abbey Valsainte to Simiane-la-Rotonde
- The Banon cheese in her chestnut sheet
- Distillery Lavender Provence Banon
- Paragliding in Provence
- Priory Salagon
- The Contadour Giono
- Chateau Sauvan Mane
- Colorado of Provence
- Lure Mountain
- Village of Banon in Provence
- Market Forcalquier